Welcome home

Let's begin your journey back to your inner sanctuary!

You've been missed

A Flying Butterfly

You have everything you need!

Person Walking Through a Tunnel
Watercolor Paint Stain
Watercolor Paint Stain
Watercolor Paint Stain

You will never know everything there is 2 know about life.

If you did, why would you be here? Imagine how bored you'd feel knowing what's going 2 come next, and how the story goes?

So maybe we moved from up there where you already have all your desires and came down 2 see life from different perspectives...but for you 2 be able 2 enjoy life fully, you'll need to completely trust the unfolding...to be open, To share, 2 acknowledge, 2 love, 2 improve, 2 inspire, 2 be inspired...if you don't give these things you're looking for outside of yourself, within yourself, you're going 2 continuously find yourself unhappy nomatter what you own and who you marry.Happiness is an everyday job.

I'm intrigued!

Trust is a game

A Flying Butterfly
Watercolor Paint Stain
Watercolor Paint Stain

How can you trust the journey if you don't trust yourself?

Do you know who you are?


Are you assuming 2 be who your parents, society, group chats, teachers, fav aunties told you you were? who are you under that mask?

Watercolor Paint Stain
Watercolor Paint Stain
Watercolor Paint Stain
A Flying Butterfly
A Flying Butterfly
Watercolor Paint Stain
Watercolor Paint Stain
Watercolor Paint Stain
Watercolor Paint Stain
Watercolor Paint Stain
A Flying Butterfly
Watercolor Paint Stain
Watercolor Paint Stain

it Will always be a never ending battle if you fight against what is showing up in your life right now

Watercolor Paint Stain

Why do you feel like you have to know everything right now...right away? What fun would that be? Expect the best, be the best you can be in each moment, remove the pressure to succeed and KNOW that you are already all you wish to be and more...we are here to alchemize parts of us that are limiting our potential and projection towards happiness and fulfillment. When you hush the outside voice, the inner voice becomes louder!!!

Watercolor Paint Stain

"When you hush the outside noise, the inner voice becomes louder!!!"

Watercolor Paint Stain
Watercolor Paint Stain
A Flying Butterfly

Not knowing what's beyond the horizon will always be a constant. Dying is inevitable, living is intentional!

We can't stop living because of our perceived limitations, what the past did to us...our fearful whispers we keep listening and slowly believing

What thought patterns have you been recycling even when you know your soul has moved on from it?

What negative Emotions Are Coming Up Right Now?

You feel disconnected because you're not asking the right questions!

When your soul feels understood, heard, nurtured and unjudged...all the gems & the geniuses it has been holding back from your undeserving version of you come flooding out of your heart

It will feel like a rushing gush of energy pouring out from the core of your soul.

How do you currently treat yourself in your mind's eye?

Surrender 2 the voice in your heart,

can you hear its whispers?

Quotation Mark

Acknowledge & accept your negative side

The only person you'd be lying 2 is yourself. Accepting and living these dark sides of you allows you 2 find peace with whatever is showing up in your psyche. You are enough just as you are...stop comparing yourself and start being the person you were born 2 be. Start listening 2 your heart every morning...starting this moment. Listen withour judgement, without worrying about how you're going to make it happen...just listen.

Pink Watercolor Stain

Love yourself unconditionally!

Pink Watercolor Stain
Pink Watercolor Stain
Quotation Mark

Forgive & Let your past go

We are here 2 learn, 2 grow, 2 evolve, 2 master, 2 live, 2 be. Naturally as time goes on, you'll morphe into someone much better, smarter, wiser...when you reflect on your past, may you have the same compassion you have towards others. You deserve inner peace, tranquility, calm...your God state...or your "Avatar" state. Your embodiment of your higher self actualized. How can you give others love, compassion and grace if you don't extend it 2 yourself?

Pink Watercolor Stain
Pink Watercolor Stain
Pink Watercolor Stain
Quotation Mark

Embody your darkness unapologetically

Your dark side lies a lot of potential 2 create something unique and beautiful from it. To embrace the truth about our reality... duality...the presence of both darkness & light, night & day, awake & asleep, fearful & confident, lack & abundance, joy & misery...

When you stop fighting against what is you will notice that your muscles naturally relax...you become detached from present storyline...and you feel yourself just watching as if watching a movie...

Cute Painterly Pride LGBT Rainbow Wave
Pink Watercolor Stain
Pink Watercolor Stain
Quotation Mark
Pink Watercolor Stain

Fall in love & Embody your unique side

Pink Watercolor Stain

Who are you pretending to be Infront of your peers, your parents, on the internet? When do you feel the most free and safe? Go be there more often. This is where you'll capture your essence, your magnetic aura. For you to activate this, you need to say bye-bye 2 any bits of you that care and validate what others think and say any of your choices and your existence. If you prioritize their opinions over your own you will live a long miserable life. Deadass!

liberate yourself...celebrate your existence everyday!!!

Pink Watercolor Stain
Quotation Mark
Pink Watercolor Stain

forgIve over & over again

Noone is perfect in their total beingness...we are perfect in that we are created enough, full, worthy...already being. Human nature will always tell us how our psyche as evolved over generations of human evolution.

Your DNA carries information about your natural tendencies and strengths and weaknesses...but the wonderful thing is you always have a choice. To let what you don't want for yourself anymore to bring you down in shame and guilt or to empower yourself with your decision to choose and think better each time. Extend yourself the grace when you fumble so you may have the humility to extend the same grace to others. This is all bigger than us!!!

Pink Watercolor Stain
Pink Watercolor Stain
Quotation Mark

Surrender 2 the flow of life

Pink Watercolor Stain

Accept what you can't control...accept the inevitable cycle of life...find the best perspective you can find out of your current situation. What is it showing you...what is it teaching you? How can you take full advantage of what you do know & have right now ?

Who can you talk 2...who can help you make your dreams come true. Don't burn out in hustle mode...surrender to your inner compass, your inner timing. TRUST!

Cute Painterly Pride LGBT Rainbow Wave
Pink Watercolor Stain
Pink Watercolor Stain
Quotation Mark
Quotation Mark

I am the love of my life & i Unconditionally accept and adore all of me

I am the love I've been seeking all along

Pink Watercolor Stain

Repeat these in your mind's eye while being fully present in your body....really be

preseNt with these truths, how does your body register them...your mind...Notice, which parts of you are fighting against this?

Pink Watercolor Stain
Pink Watercolor Stain
Quotation Mark
Pink Watercolor Stain

I am enough just as i come

I have nothing to prove, I am who I am

Pink Watercolor Stain
Quotation Mark

I show up for my dreams everyday with full trust in my heart

i am grateful for this fun life adventure .

I get to experience all my wildest dreams, wow!

Pink Watercolor Stain
Quotation Mark

I love you

I'm sorry

Please forgive me

Thank you

Pink Watercolor Stain

I acknowledge all parts of me that feel alone, hurt, unloved, unwanted...

I love you...& I am here for you always until the end of times

Cute Painterly Pride LGBT Rainbow Wave
Quotation Mark

I let go of what I can't control

I accept what I can't control.

I fully prosper and thrive in everything I do have control over

Pink Watercolor Stain
A Flying Butterfly
A Flying Butterfly
A Flying Butterfly
A Flying Butterfly
A Flying Butterfly

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Sri Venus

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A Flying Butterfly
A Flying Butterfly
Pink Watercolor Stain
Pink Watercolor Stain
Dreamy Psychedelic Cloud

Are you ready to come back to home to your inner sanctuary?


Dreamy Psychedelic Cloud
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